Oversized Clusters, Dangles, & Chandeliers, OH MY!
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When you're spending an excessive amount of time in the forefront of others, it's necessary to showcase a complementary canvas for those who are watching. I AM ART, and so are YOU! The problem is that it's easy to lose sight of the influence that our canvas offers as we become comfortable with utilizing dull paint brushes... Unfortunately literally and figuratively.
As influencers, trendsetters, and boss babes, it's time to GO Vibrant, Go Cluster, Go Grand in Prism and Spectrum or GO HOME!

Ah ha, but there is a solution. What I mean by "dull brushes" is that, too often as humanoids we tend to create habits that are not always beneficial nor contribute to our highest good. Old habits are hard to break, but we can break the mold, which is what I believe we are intended to do in the physical and spiritual. It's just a matter of becoming aware and breaking away from that same mundane shell that is so familiar....Now that we are aware, let's evolve...mind, body soul, emotions, and APPEARANCE. So let's discuss that part...

Let's Go Bigger, Grander, even more spectacular!
Sleek hair and oversized earrings is a sure way to establish feminine dominance and regal presence. Fringe has a way of adding a bit of spice, while the animal print creates a seductive more suspenseful appeal, as seen in the photo to the left.
Now, I'm sure I'll get a whole lot of smoke for this one, but I'm here for it. It's all love, and I'm just asking for a friend of a friend...Could we please evolve from sporting the traditional juvenile hoops on a consistent basis? Will the circle be unbroken? Ah, yes. Please, and thank you. I know, its very difficult to part ways, but see plated silver and rusted gold as that hideous ex that you love, but he's holding you back. See them as those old paint brushes that we must rid of. They only dull the art at this point. (Smile) Just as you released that bad energy before, let's try it again.

The good news is that variations beyond the traditional silver and rusted gold earrings are trending. For example, the photo to the right shows how colored, hammered, and mixed metal hoops are formidable. The oversized frame is what we know and love, but the detail is what makes them modern and such an exhibitionist.
Which of these looks is your favorite? Crowned in Royalty would love to know. Share your thoughts, and follow us at crownednroyalty and crownedinroyalty on all social media.